对我而言,每个人 都是 独一无二 的。所以用同一种眼光,去判断每一个人,好似 理所当然,但是事实上好像 有点不公平。

所以日常生活中 碰到一些 事故 ,用文字把它记载下来 - 加工后,可写成一些小 故事 

碰到不一样的事故,遇见不一样的人,就算是普通生活的点点滴滴,偶尔会磨擦出一些 有趣的故事,友谊的小火花。这,或许就是一个字 - “缘”。

OK, Let's get back to the main topic......

This series 【『姐姐带弟弟买鞋记-KAKAK BELI KASUT UNTUK ADIK(ENG+CHI)』】 tells a silly little story when I purchase a pair of shoes (once upon a time).

"ANTA" was the brand. Not many heard of this brand in Malaysia. It's about how I used the experienced I gained when I went to purchase a pair of shoes; and of course I learn some new things as well - about shoe. And I willingly share them.

By the way, I am not a big fan of shoes.

Note : This series is a sequel to another series : 【Beauty & The "Fish" 美人•鱼 】

Ironically, I haven't started writting 【Beauty & The "Fish" 美人•鱼 】 yet.

PART 1 - Story of an Ancient Horny Horse - 塞翁失马,焉知祸福?
PART 2 - I bought a pair of "Buy-And-Throw-Away" shoes for only RM20, sooooo lucky I was.
PART 3 - Are people from China really that bad? Is it fact or prejudice ?
