Create a folder to keep important files from missing
- 常年成员代表大会手册 softcopy. Try to get a softcopy as fast as possible before they cannot find it themselves!
- If possible, inform before the actual event so that they prepared to give you once they complete.
- Happened in 2011 and 2013, the softcopy faced huge difficulty to retrieve, due to missing and the 执行秘书 always procrastinate and using "Busy" as excuse. Major obstacle is resignation of 执行秘书, as the successor has no idea where is the softcopy.
- Photo should include FCY members, preferably in uniforms.
- Always to remember to reduce total photos, too many photos will occupy too many pages - escalates the cost.
- Usually photo of an event comprises : - Opening ceremony, during the event, prize giving ceremony, group photo etc.
- Always organize the group photo session during prize giving ceremony to reduce number of pictures. Example, for essay competition, request Champion, Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up to take pictures together instead of individual pictures.
- Avoid put picture into Words or PDF or Powerpoints. See Hua complains that extracting picture from Words, PDF, Powerpoint will significantly reduce picture quality. Better keep in JPG form.
- Be careful of What'sapp images, the file size is significantly reduced.
- Always keep photos in email / facebook / cloud because harddisk may crash or lost due to theft.
- When keep pictures in email, it helps to write down some information for the event, such as date or name of event, name of VIP etc.
- Major source of activity photo is actually from Meeting powerpoint slides.
- Always need to check with 华总, remind them to keep copies of newspaper cuttings.
- Preferably keep them separated FCY from 妇女组 or 华总.
- Assign someone (or yourself) keep copy of newspaper cutting. Grab a box, and dump everything inside.
- Do not use CD, because sometimes people provide faulty CD or file corrupted.
- CD also can go missing, then may happen argument who last saw the CD etc. Blaming might happen.
- When people burn CD, they don't keep a softcopy. So in the event the CD is lost, they don't have backup. Also CD-less saves money.
- Nowadays people use USB and smart phone more, you may find difficulty getting a CD-ROM.
- Email helps to keep track on date sent or receive. No more arguments.
- Make sure you give them ample time to write essay, not easy, probably at least 4 months. Everyone is busy unless already in retirement. Jobless people not free also because very stressful. Besides people need inspiration 灵感 to write something, which not always available.
- Use Email, avoid CD. Reason refer above.
- MUST control maximum page per association to two pages. Otherwise things will run out of control!
- Recommended : 1 page Words document of words and 8 pictures maximum. The less is actually better.
- Always keep track when you call them to ask for data. If they unable to produce, ask them who else can you follow up with.
- Always convince them the data is very easy to compile. If busy or no information, just provide a simple group picture, name list. Worse come to worse, use our database of 简介.
1. FCY Introduction
2.1 2009-2011 报告
2.2 2011-2013 报告
3. 各属团 简介 :
1-10 http://newspaperstar.blogspot.com/2011/07/hua-ching-2.html
11-20 http://newspaperstar.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-post.html
21-30 http://newspaperstar.blogspot.com/2011/10/reserve.html
31-25 http://newspaperstar.blogspot.com/2011/10/reserve-again.html
4. Letter to invite people to submit respective association information
5. Letter to invite people write essay competition
6. Form for advertisement
7. Excel sheet to keep track of respective association information submission
1 报告:全部都是字体,没有图片 ---- (2011年estimate 大约35~37面)
1.001 大合照
1.1 会长致辞
1.2 团长致辞
1.3 华青团简介
1.4 组织结构 - List of Member Associations
1.5 执委会阵容
1.6 各组职务
1.7 活动宗旨
1.8 团务报告(两年)
1.9 华青论坛(2011年没有)
1.10 比赛与奖项成绩
2 活动照片 - already submit to See Hua Printing except 2.1.2 on 5-November (26)
2.1 晋汉省华青团常年成员代表大会和执委会会议
2.1.1 2010 5-November
2.1.2 2011 NOT YET2.2 《华青之夜》5-November
2.2.1 那一夜5-November
2.2.2 赞助商与合作伙伴5-November
2.2.3 团体奖5-November
2.2.4 个人奖5-November
2.3 《才艺嘉年华会》5-November
2.4 《体育嘉年华会》5-November
2.5 《热血献爱心, 携手送温情》- 荣誉榜5-November
2.6 《热血献爱心, 携手送温情》- 拜访慷慨赞助商5-November
2.7 《热血献爱心, 携手送温情》- 市民热心响应华青团举办的捐血活动5-November
2.8 讲座会或展览会5-November
2.9 官方拜访与活动5-November
2.10 拜访经费赞助商5-November
2.11 《族魂》5-November
2.12 晋汉省花纹学会联委会活动5-November
2.13 中华文化传统节日与活动5-November
2.14 ---
2.15 增广见闻拜访5-November
2.16 爱心义卖会5-November
2.17 服务社会活动5-November
2.18 砂拉越华人社团联合总会青年团5-November
3 出国考察报告 - 中国广东行
3.1 东莞 already submit to See Hua Printing on 5-November
3.2 揭阳 already submit to See Hua Printing on 5-November
3.3 增城 already submit to See Hua Printing on 5-November
3.4 广州- already submit to See Hua Printing on 31-October
3.5 深圳- already submit to See Hua Printing on 31-October
3.6 珠海- already submit to See Hua Printing on 31-October
3.7 澳门- already submit to See Hua Printing on 31-October
4 属团报告 - already submit to See Hua Printing (I think 26-October)
5 剪报- already submit to See Hua Printing on 31-October
6 广告