My Travel itinerary

  1. a planned route or journey.
    • a travel document recording these.
      synonyms:travel plan, scheduletimetableagendaprogramtour;
      (planned) route
      "the old stone chapel should be on every visitor's itinerary"

Thanks to emergence of budget airlines in this era; coupled with massive drop of crude oil and advancement in internet (allowing research for planning, together - vacation overseas is no longer something overly luxury or impossible. Useful smart phones group chats also allow me to liaise and communicate effectively with my friends (many are West Malaysians), this significantly helped to make vacations possible. Another huge motivation would be - vacations are chances for me to meet up with my friends, as we mostly live in different cities across Malaysia, one of us in fact lived in Taiwan/Korea. Oh ya, not forgetting GPS, something very useful~
Yeah, availability of social media encourages people to do documentation of their vacation to share with people with common interest. And also for personal remembrance and future reference. To show off, if you prefer to phrase it that way. 

Below would be my documentation of my actual itinerary trips, happy reading. All of them are actually links to facebook.

MALAYSIA Perak - Penang 2000 

AUSTRALIA Sydney - Thredbo - Wollongong   2003

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